Geez.. one of my "thought" resolutions was to blog/write more... So far, not so good. And to be honest, I think about it, a lot... I even have my laptop propped open at bed side, staring at a blank page. In my defense, remember how I said when I get into something I go all "gung-ho" ? Yeah, that running thing, I've been all over it like white on rice. And quite honestly it's leaving me eating dinner at 5:30pm and ready for bed by 9pm. So long late nights, this body is responding to sleep!
So with all the hype about Project Life 2013, I've been so excited. It's like the I'm ready to go full force.. and I have yet to complete Week One.
I've got some pretty awesome people doing Project Life this year and we chat back and forth via Instagram.. we really need to develop a Project Life support system, so we can send one another alerts via iPhone much like our alarms and it will say "Hey you working on Week Two?"
Now 2012 was my first year doing Project Life... and the verdict? I am so HOOKED and I put way more stress on myself than need be. Sure time flies, but there is no rule that you can't go back. So the big question is "Am I done?" A big whopping "NO".. but almost. As you know, 2012 was a bit rough for me, I flew back home to Hawaii several times, leaving the entire April - June a little on the blank side. For me, it's an emotional journey to go back and rewrite and relive those months. So there is a few weeks where it will require me to print out some funeral photos and right now, I'm not quite prepared. I think I will have to mingle the new, 2013 and go back in between, to find a balance of some sort.
(BTW, I'm listening to Keith Sweat on Pandora at the moment as I type... Oh boy, throw back Friday).
So last year, I organized it by printing calendars off my iCal on my computer. That works, but the spaces to write info was to little (square boxes). So I bought myself a Binder and I found tabs numbered from 1-50. I figure I could live without the extra 2 weeks, and print out something else.
Inside of it, I printed out weekly calendars.. with tons of writing space! (Got it from HERE)
I also printed out the various Pocket Photo Pages I have so I know (minus the constant digging) what I have available to me.
And I find it easier for me, cause it's all visual to me.. to map out the layout I picked and write down which photos goes where, where the journaling goes, right to an embellishment..
On the photo organizing part.
When I plug my iPhone in (Most of my photos are from my iPhone) it goes straight to my iPhoto.
I download it, but then I drag them to my
--- 2013 PROJECT LIFE folder
------ (subfolder) WEEK 01 , 02, 03 etc.
Now in my notes I will write according to Photo (So Monday would have Scooter Riding with Izzy) So I know where it goes. You can always arrange your folder by date photos were added and it will know which photos were uploaded first to last :)
I really meant to take photo of these "rough drafts" and then show you the final product, but I toss the scratch paper when I'm done :)
Back tracking a little bit.. but I actually found it challenging to do Project Life and the December Daily together. I may have to try Cathy Z's approach on her December Daily, she and Ali Edwards did a ONE photo in 4x6 albums... and leave the rest to the Project Life. But yes, for the month of December I was kind of stumped on how to separate the two.
And last but not least who ever said an artist has a tidy workspace.. pretty much lied...