Today you begin high school... (tear, sniff, sniff, tear) Phew, where does time go?
Wasn't it just yesterday you were in Preschool or Kindergarten? Gosh, it seems like it was just yesterday you were tagging along with me everywhere I went, like when we lived in Alaska. I used to take you to the Scrapbook Store that mommy worked at and you would help me "scan" things in. We would wear matching outfits and you would pretend to put on makeup while tip toeing on a stool next to me to see what color lipstick I picked for the day. You had the cutest voice and giggle! I loved hearing you "pretend" you were cooking for a baking show as you baked us, yet another cake. You were and still are, very creative. You loved drawing! I think we had a drawing a day! You know, I was ready and prepared (mentally as a parent) for your brothers to go to high-school, because they had one another. But with you, I was not ready for it. You, on the other hand, were always ready to do all the "big kid" stuff. Look at those photos of you in Pre-K and Kindergarten, confident and always awaiting the next adventure. How I wish I could hold on to you a little longer. Even though I was a stay at home mom to you and your brothers, it doesn't seem to be long enough. I've always felt my time with you was cut a bit short, as you were going to middle school, I was trying to figure myself out to and finishing up school myself. But no matter how much I struggled to balance it all, you were always so understanding and patient with me. Now look at you, a Freshmen in high-school, entering a new chapter in your life with what seems to be the pinnacle moment for most teenagers. A time to be with your friends, join the many clubs, attend football games, go to dances, and maybe even date.. (Ask your dad about that). You've witnessed your brother's high school years (some good and some not too good) and you also saw the heartbreak of each brother when we've had to change schools in the middle of the year. So many changes for everyone, but we hope staying in one place for a little while longer, will give you the opportunity your brothers never got, to enjoy high school in its entirety, the way your dad and I did, with all of our friends! I hope this new adventure is filled with many twists and turns, I meant that in a good way. But I know, as a teenager in high school, your going to be faced with so many new situations, some that we can help you with, but I know there will be times you will have to figure out on your own. I know this is the time, where I need to step back and let you go just a bit to give you that freedom you need to be who you are. Just know that, your dad and I will be there for you no matter what. We will always listen, and I know you don't like to hear it, but we were once teenagers too. So, embrace all these milestones sweetie, this new adventure of being a high-schooler with your girlfriends. We will always be your biggest cheerleaders! We love you and are so proud of you, everyday! Love Your (Cool-Ass-Mom) and Your (Just Cool) Dad