The more I get to "Know Thyself" by reconstructing the values in my life that make me happy or feel at peace. I ask myself:
- What values will make you happy?
- What activities do I find great passion in that bring me pure joy?
- What kinds of activities, experiences, and people cause me to feel deeply engaged or connected?
Having answered these questions, I began to do a bit of excavating into my life and how I want to spend the rest of my days. Moments of epiphany sit with me as I find a greater purpose and clarity. I begin to feel the alignment between what I value in my life versus what leaves me depleted with negative energy at the end of the day. This realization has given me a sense of balance and contentment to the point where I know what kind of "vibe" I want to allow in my day to day and to choose wisely who I surround myself with.
Unfortunately, it gets harder before it gets easier. Outgrowing people, places and jobs are uncomfortable. I'll take little steps to place what gives me peace and makes me happy above the things that do not by removing people, things, and places that bring me negative energy. Sometimes it feels like I'm giving up, but it's about self-care and choosing to reduce the weight of the unhealthy values and placing greater weight on the side of the scale that holds your new values.
I will continue to push through the growing pains. The need to please, prove, or perform will be replaced with self-inspired experiences that finally feel right to me. I think it's easy to do as we are told, to not ruffle any feathers, and live this clear-cut life. But life is unfolding the way it should be, things happen for a reason, and sometimes seeking growth will be painful.