My biggest challenge in 2022 ... is myself.
It's the inner struggle no one sees. Beneath the surface of a seemingly okay exterior, there's an endless churn of anxiety. Aside from managing to complete tasks, the motivation to better my health or seeming outwardly calm. There is a nervous energy, a fear of failure, and the nagging feeling I am not enough who often thinks of the worst-case scenarios as an outcome. Most days my thoughts turn into worries that create a constant state of "What If?" But this war that rages in my head is often hidden by smiles, laughs, achievements, and a dose of extroversion.
I've been trying to slow down, recalibrating, taking a few steps back, and figuring out what I need to eliminate to make my days (and mind) more manageable. I've found that waking up at the crack of dawn and working out has helped tremendously. Followed by some yoga and in between, it all, concentrated deep breathing exercises to help clear the mind.
Every morning I wake up with my mantra to speak into existence "Today is gonna be a good day, today is gonna be a good day.." and hope for a day better than the day before.